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PH and Impedance Test for Dyspepsia at London Gastro Care with Dr. Chandra Puli

Welcome to London Gastro Care, where excellence in gastroenterology meets personalized patient care. If you’re seeking accurate diagnostics and effective solutions for dyspepsia, our pH and Impedance Test, led by renowned gastroenterologist Dr. Chandra Puli, provides advanced diagnostic insights right here in London.

Understanding pH and Impedance Testing:

pH and impedance testing is a sophisticated diagnostic procedure that helps us unravel the complexities of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and dyspepsia. This test measures the frequency and duration of acid exposure in the esophagus and detects non-acid reflux, providing a comprehensive view of your digestive health.

Why Choose Our pH and Impedance Test?

Expert Gastroenterologist: Dr. Chandra Puli, a respected figure in London’s gastroenterology landscape, leads our pH and Impedance Test service. With extensive experience and a commitment to patient well-being, Dr. Puli ensures accurate diagnoses and tailored treatment strategies.

Cutting-Edge Technology: At London Gastro Care, we employ state-of-the-art pH and impedance monitoring technology, delivering precise and detailed data for a thorough analysis of your condition.

Holistic Approach: Our focus extends beyond diagnosis. We believe in addressing the root causes of your dyspepsia, enabling us to create personalized treatment plans that provide lasting relief.

The pH and Impedance Testing Process:

Consultation: During an initial consultation with Dr. Chandra Puli, your medical history and symptoms will be discussed to determine if pH and impedance testing is appropriate for your condition.

Test Preparation: The test involves placing a small catheter through your nose into the esophagus. This catheter records pH levels and impedance while you engage in your regular activities.

Data Collection: Over 24 to 48 hours, the catheter collects data on acid and non-acid reflux events. This data is then analyzed to gain insights into the nature and frequency of your reflux.

Comprehensive Analysis: Dr. Puli meticulously reviews the collected data to diagnose the underlying causes of your dyspepsia, whether they are related to acid reflux or non-acidic factors.

Tailored Treatment: With a clear understanding of your condition, Dr. Puli develops a personalized treatment plan aimed at managing your symptoms and improving your overall quality of life.

Who Can Benefit from pH and Impedance Testing?

Individuals experiencing persistent heartburn or regurgitation

Patients with unexplained chest pain or discomfort

Those with chronic cough or hoarseness

Individuals with a suspected reflux-related cough

At London Gastro Care, our pH and Impedance Test for dyspepsia is a testament to our commitment to your well-being. Led by Dr. Chandra Puli, our experienced team is dedicated to providing accurate diagnoses and effective treatments that empower you to reclaim your digestive health.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and embark on a journey towards lasting relief from dyspepsia with our advanced pH and Impedance Testing services. Your comfort and health are our top priorities.